Monday, June 17, 2013

Great sale for 3 weeks!

I'm late for an important date!  A sale on all knit and crochet classes started yesterday.   25% off the classes from June 16, 2013 (Father's Day) until July 6 (Saturday).  That means that you have 3 full weeks to sign up for the class that you've been waiting for.  Learn to knit or crochet.  Refresh your memory for a class or learn a new skill.  Get out of the heat and into the cool air for a few hours.  Work on a project.

How can you do it?  Sign up at the store of your choice (Edgewater, NJ or Clifton, NJ).  The classes are usually $25 for 2 1/2 hours.  During the sale they will be $18.75.   I will post my schedule for July & August 2013.  Both stores already have the July and August schedule.  I'll get my September schedule out to the stores ASAP too.  

Please past on the good word to anyone you know that is interested in a knit or crochet class!
Remember there is a 2 person minimum to hold a class.  Sign up with a friend or relative to ensure that the class will be held.  Always keep your receipt not only to show your teacher at the class, but in case you need to reschedule.

I hope to see you soon!  Happy Knitting and Crochet!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Michael's Classes on Sale tomorrow!

Have you heard?  Michael's is having a SALE on classes all day tomorrow. 

Knit and Crochet Classes are 25% off! That means that 2 1/2 hr. knit & crochet classes that are normally $25 are now $18.75 per class.  My April, May & June class schedules are available in both the Edgewater and Clifton, NJ stores.  I will also post them on this site.  You can print it or them out and take the schedule to the cashier to register for the class. 

Remember, Michael's now has a two person minimum per class so sign up with a friend or family member to guarantee that the class you want will take place.  No worries if you don't sign up with anyone though.  You will be notified in advance if there is not enough enrollment. 

Happy Knitting & Crocheting!

Friday, January 11, 2013

It's a New Year!

I can't believe where the time has gone! What a year 2012 was! My last post was in October.  On the 25th to be exact.  Many things have been going on since then.  Hurricane Sandy (I live in the New York/New Jersey area). A snowstorm a week later. ...taking a doctoral level class (papers & more papers), working six days a week, a continuing education workshop, reports for the students I work with, the holidays (family time!) and now back to work.  I hope I will be forgiven for not posting all this time.  I hope (I won't promise) to be a regular blog poster from now on.

I have lost my knitting and crocheting mojo these past few months too though I have been teaching whenever a student wants a class. I hope to get back into both sometime soon.  I joined my knitting buddies once a week to sit and knit at a local Starbucks or Barnes & Noble. 

It's a new year and a great time to do some knitting or crocheting just for you or a special someone!  And just in time Michael's Arts & Crafts is having a one day sale on classes on January 12th (tomorrow).  All day the knit and crochet classes will be 25% off.  I have posted my schedules for the next 3 months (January, February, & March) so that if you were thinking of taking a class you could print my schedule, then go to the store and sign up at the register.  If you have any questions, just email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you want to learn a new skill or technique and it's not listed on the calendar, contact me and I will let you know which class to sign up for. 


Michael's has decided that beginning in 2013 there will be a 2 student minimum in order to hold a class.  All classes with only 1 student will be cancelled (you will be notified with 24 hours if it is cancelled). You can hope for other students signing up or ensure that a class will be held by signing up with a friend.  I've noticed that it's a fun bonding experience when you take a class with a friend and you gain a new skill at the same time.

That's all for now.  I'll be back soon. 

Happy Knitting & Crocheting!