I'm late for an important date! A sale on all knit and crochet classes started yesterday. 25% off the classes from June 16, 2013 (Father's Day) until July 6 (Saturday). That means that you have 3 full weeks to sign up for the class that you've been waiting for. Learn to knit or crochet. Refresh your memory for a class or learn a new skill. Get out of the heat and into the cool air for a few hours. Work on a project.
How can you do it? Sign up at the store of your choice (Edgewater, NJ or Clifton, NJ). The classes are usually $25 for 2 1/2 hours. During the sale they will be $18.75. I will post my schedule for July & August 2013. Both stores already have the July and August schedule. I'll get my September schedule out to the stores ASAP too.
Please past on the good word to anyone you know that is interested in a knit or crochet class!
Remember there is a 2 person minimum to hold a class. Sign up with a friend or relative to ensure that the class will be held. Always keep your receipt not only to show your teacher at the class, but in case you need to reschedule.
I hope to see you soon! Happy Knitting and Crochet!